Monday, December 17, 2012

If I die young

     "If i die young bury me in satin, lay me down in a big tee shirt and leggings" Okay, so not the exact words, but when I die (ETD: sometime between now and Wednesday) I want to be comfortable. The cause of my morbid song rendition is.... midterms. The most awful thing in the world, only second to frizzy hair and smashing your finger in a door (did this yesterday and I still can't feel my fingernail). Yes, it is inevitable, but why must they be so hard? And WHY must it be 20% of your grade? What if you make a bad grade on it (me)? What if you don't know the material well enough because your teacher sucks (me)? Well, too bad, so sad. The teachers do not care one bit about you or your helpless soul as you prepare for these horrid tests; they think, "the more questions that are on the test, the fewer points each are worth!!!" Haha no. We like having fewer, easier questions that will guarantee us an A. But you know what would be even better? NOT HAVING THEM AT ALL. This may be my last post because I am about to study physics (A.K.A fall into a pit of misery and despair) because my test is tomorrow. And let's face it; I just may not make it out of the classroom. Do we get points for writing our name? HOPE SO!


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