Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mom? Is that you?

My current obsession is this blog. If you can't tell. I am on it 24/7. I am on it at school, at home, on my phone. All. the. time. Therefore I am posting again. That will make three in three days! That's like one per day. Don't get used to it. Also, I have had many "moments" today that I would like to share with you! Seauxxx, you don't truly know me until you understand that I am suffering from a premature case of mommyhood. Besides being known as Carol, most of my friends and family call me Mommy. Some clever souls even combine the two for an equally witty nickname, Mama Carol. Funny right? I'm not gonna lie, I mostly enjoy it because I dream of becoming a great mom one day. I must have this "mommy-esque" about me, or even that special mommy glow, because my friends tell me that even my clothing makes me look like a mom. Even when I wear norts and an oversized tee I still seem to appear mommy-like. Evidently it is because of the way I carry myself. What? What does that even mean? Because I have good posture and look cute most of the time I am dubbed a mom? I don't know why I am rambling about this, because like I said, I do think it's kinda funny that people perceive me in this light. However, today I went to pick up my little brother from his basketball practice (a mom story already, I know), and I made a mommy faux pas. My actual mother told me that the coach would need me to fill out a sheet with her contact information, Drake's uniform size and his number. He gave me the chart and I proceed to fill it out. As I move from left to right on the paper, I notice that the coach has made this a very easy progress. He listed each player in alphabetical order so you could match your kid to his line and badah bing badah boom (sp?) you’re done! Well…. I did not realize this and filled out the next available spot. Once I have realized this it is already too late and unfortunately I have a pen in my right hand (I’m right handed by the way) and not a pencil. So then I begin to say aloud “Omg why are you so stupid gah Caroline why why whyyy” (like it was the end of the world). A fellow mommy overheard and approached me and said, “Oh what happened?” I told her and then she says “Awe I guess you aren’t ready to be a mom just yet!” Ummmm…..DUH. I am a teenager. Why in the world would I already want to be a mother? Practice makes perfect but still. She is a new mom in the mom circle at the school so she may have even thought I was a step mom or something idk. Silly mommy. Tricks are for kids.
Mama Carol

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