Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Little Things in Life

     I don't even know where to begin with this post. So many great things have happened lately that I don't know what to say first! Isn't that such a wonderful thing? When life is so fabulous that you don't know how to express it in words? It's truly the little things in life that make it worth while. So that is what I will dedicate this post to. After typing all of that I have decided where to start....
     SOOO.....this past weekend the whole fam dam went to our camp. Fun, right? Although I felt like this would be the worst thing everrr, it was actually super fun and relaxing! I had the opportunity to bake my dad his favorite dessert, a pecan pie, for his birthday (which I forgot for an hour that morning. That part of my life was not fabulous), we went to our friend's camp down the road, and my sister DROVE FOR THE FIRST TIME. What has the world come to? Is my baby sister actually old enough to drive? The answer to that would be no. She is only 14, therefore that was not exactly legal, but whatevs, we were in the back country. Although my mom and I thought we scraped some trees and skid past mailboxes, my baby came out relatively unscathed (my baby as in my car of course). After the little excursion, the family all gathered inside the camp and ate dinner with neighbors, watched the Aggies beat Alabama, and played games. It was so fun. Like SO fun. There's nothing like fellowship, good food, and football with your family and friends!
     The start of the week was fairly meek, but today was AWESOME. One of my best friends, Haley (www.morrismemories2.blogspot.com), and my sister, Claire, and I went shopping for the perfect game day outfit for them. Did I mention we are all going to the LSU Ole Miss game this weekend? Well we are! It's Haley's first, which makes it all that more exciting! So I took my role as a personal stylist and picked out the cutest tops for the girls which they will pair with colored denim and gorgeous riding boots (pics to follow of course!). Following the shopping trip, we went to Orange Leaf where the three of us devoured holiday flavored frozen yogurt. YUM. So, in short, this week is obviously going to be great because my Monday and Tuesday have already been great!
     And if this day couldn't get any better, my mom asked me to take my little brother to his basketball practice (again). I of course groveled and complained (is that redundant?) but hopped in the car and off to practice we went. As Drake and I are singing along to "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift (so tender, I know) I realize that these are the moments that make living worth while. Moments like these: driving with my brother, on the verge of tears at my overwhelming love for him, without even uttering a word besides T-Swift's sweet lyrics, riding in the backseat as my sister drives ME around for the first time, having great friends and sharing first time experiences and all that those entail, and lastly, spending time with my wonderful family. How blessed am I to live this life?
     I originally did not intend for this post to be so tender and heartfelt (I'm sure you are enjoying this right now, Haley), but I just felt like expressing my life with you all! As if this week couldn't get better, just remember that the last installment of Twilight comes out at midnight on Thursday. Whoop whoop. AND the Rebels play the Tigers this weekend. HOTTY TODDY! More to come this week but I think I have exhausted all of my stories for the night.


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