Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

     A day late....and by "day" I mean months (3 to be exact). And a dollar short....and by that I mean dollar(s) (too much shopping). SURPRISE! I'm back! I feel like I'm experiencing a little bit of deja vu...anywhoooo I have been neglecting this little space of mine for some time now, and given the fact that I'm wasting away my Easter weekend taking naps and eating chocolate bunnies, I figured this would be a prime opportunity to update you all on my life.
    January and February were a blur. A typical hot-cold Louisiana winter that was filled with rainy days and (after the wonderful holiday known as Valentine's Day) delicious half priced candy. My school goes on a junior/senior trip every two years to Europe, so planning and prepping for that excursion consumed the rest of February. Many trips to Target, shopping for warm clothing, and packing for a whole week made me feel like I was truly prepared for my European voyage. I have never been so wrong in my life. Paris was as cold as (insert funny pun here) and I about died. The three coldest days of the year took place while we were in the city, and thank God we left! You will never know cold until you are standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower at night, in the snow. Snow is only pretty when you are sitting in a warm bubble bath, looking at the white flurries from your window. At least that's my philosophy. And that is pretty much what Europe consisted of. Bubble baths. Post to follow... And then came March! Rain rain annnnd more rain. Tests tests annnnnd more tests. Shopping shopping annnnd more shopping (but hey, what's new?) The highlight of this month was my college visit to Ole Miss. I am absolutely in love with Ole Miss and I cannot wait to (hopefully) be a student there! I feel so at home when I'm there and know that Oxford is my future home.
     So that brings me to the present time, Easter weekend. My lovely parents decided to take a trip to the Florida Keys without their precious children, so my siblings and I took a little trip of our own; to the big city of Oak Grove, La. Home to the best frosty coke and to the new Chinese buffet down town, the biggest happening since the refurbishing of the theatre a few years ago. As one could imagine, there isn't much to do. The biggest news that happened today was that I topped my nap from yesterday, sleeping a total of 3 hours and 12 minutes. Oooeh Oooehh. Also, my sibs dyed Easter eggs for the first time ever (poor babies; 14 and 11 and never dyed eggs.....). So I guess you could say this has been a successful weekend. I have to end this post now because the fam is beckoning me to come and play Phase 10 with them. YAYY. I hope the Easter Bunny hop hop hops over to your neck of the woods!
  Until next time (Lord knows when that will be) XOXO,